What Leads Up To An Affair?

By: Katie Lersch:  I often hear from people who are trying to understand or figure out what things contributed to their spouse cheating or having an affair. Sometimes, their spouse makes sincere attempts to explain their behavior or themselves. But their explanations often aren’t enough, don’t make sense, or just don’t begin to touch all […]

Why Does My Husband Defend The Other Woman That He Cheated And Had An Affair With?

By: Katie Lersch:  I often hear from wives who are seething because as they are trying to reconnect with their husband and save their marriage after his affair, but their husband is defending the other woman. The wife often does not understand how her husband could be so stupid as to look at his wife […]

My Husband Had An Affair With A Coworker. Should I Go See This Woman Or Write Her A Letter?

By: Katie Lersch:  I often hear from wives who are trying to decide on the best way to handle the woman at work (coworker) who their husband has cheated with. Often, they are left wondering if they should go and confront her face to face, if maybe they should contact via letter or email to […]

What To Do When Your Husband Can’t Decide Between You And The Other Woman?

By: Katie Lersch:  I sometimes hear from wives who are caught in kind of a love triangle between their husband and someone else. Their husband apparently can’t decide between them and the other woman.  Often, they never suspected that they would find themselves in this position. But when the choice is to allow your husband […]

No Matter What I Say After The Affair, My Husband Feels Attacked: Tips And Advice That Might Help

By: Katie Lersch: I often hear from wives whose husbands are on the defensive after his affair. Often, the wife is just trying to clarify what happened to cause the infidelity, what happens to the marriage now, and how she can begin to heal. As a result, she understandably has some questions and some need […]

I Feel Like I Gave Up Everything For My Husband And Then He Went And Had An Affair. I’ve Lost Everything

By: Katie Lersch: I often hear from women who feel particularly damaged by their husband’s affair because of their change in their lives before and after this event. Many women describe themselves as completely different (and better) before their husband’s affair came into the picture. And this can make the fall out and the damage […]