By: Katie Lersch: I sometimes hear from people who are on the receiving end of a very infuriating excuse for an affair. Sometimes, the cheating spouse isn’t willing to take complete responsibility for his actions and shoulder all of the blame. Sometimes, he finds it preferable to shift at least some of that blame to […]
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By: Katie Lersch: I often hear from cheating spouses who claim that they would literally do anything to save their marriage after their mistake. Often, they believe that they are doing everything in their power to make this up to their spouse. But despite their efforts, their spouse doesn’t seem to feel that it is […]
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By: Katie Lersch: It’s very common for me to hear from women who are still very concerned with the woman with whom their husband cheated. Often, they are fully aware that they should not be thinking or worrying about her, but this is easier said than done. Sometimes, the thoughts just pop into your head […]
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