Marriage and Infidelity – How to Come Clean If You’re the One That Cheated

By: Katie Lersch: Most of the people who reach out to me are the cheated on. They’re trying to rebuild, heal, and restore their self-esteem.  Occasionally, though, I hear from the unfaithful spouse who desperately wants to make things right. They’re looking for guidance on how to confess their infidelity, convey their profound regret, and […]

How to Cope When Your Husband Cheats

By: Katie Lersch: Having a husband who cheats is one of the things that almost all women fear. We all know couples who have had their marriages ruined by cheating. We all know wives who were never really the same after they were cheated on. This is many of our “worst case scenarios” — the […]

Why Do Husbands Cheat Or Have Affairs To “Escape?”

by: Katie Lersch: I was recently asked about the plausibility of an excuse by a wife whose husband had told her that he’d had an affair as an “escape mechanism” for the stress that was in his life at the time.  He had recently lost his father, was worried about his job, had a health […]

If You Can’t Forgive A Cheating Spouse, Does This Mean That You Don’t Love Him Or Her?

By: Katie Lersch: It’s not unusual for wives to feel pressured to offer forgiveness after their husband cheats or has an affair. And many of the wives struggle with this. Some really want to save their marriages. They want to move on. But, they are still very angry about the whole situation. Some feel rage […]