How Do I Show Him I Love Him After His Infidelity?

If you’ve not ever dealt with infidelity, you might not understand how you can still love your spouse but be gravely disappointed in his cheating.  I did not understand this until my own husband had an affair.  Before this discovery, I thought that if he ever cheated on me, we would be done.  And right […]

My Husband Is Obviously Feeling Guilty After His Affair And I Don’t Know How To React To It

By: Katie Lersch: Many faithful spouses in an affair will freely admit that they’d like to see their cheating spouse expressing guilt and remorse.  There are many reasons for this.  First, they want for their spouse to feel many of the negative and hurtful emotions that they’re now feeling because of his affair.  They also […]

Can An Affair Stay Secret Forever?

By: Katie Lersch: There are two very different subsets of people who want to know about the secrecy surrounding affairs.  I hear from people who suspect their spouse of cheating but who can’t elicit a confession or obtain proof.  So they wonder if they are ever going to learn the truth. I also hear from […]

Does The Other Woman Feel Triumphant To Know That She Turned The Head Of A Married Man

By: Katie Lersch: Many wives would love to know what the other woman is thinking once the affair is over. Many assume that the other woman was smug about taking a man from his family and felt indifferent to the idea that she was potentially breaking up a family. Many wives envision women who set […]

How Do I Break Off The Affair With Someone Who I Actually Love?

I sometimes hear from people who know that their affair is wrong on multiple levels. Because of this, they know that the affair must end. They know that ending it is the right solution for everyone involved. And yet, they also know that there is going to be pain involved because they truly believe that […]

I Regret Cutting My Spouse Out Of My Life After His Affair, But I Don’t Know How To Let Him Back In

Understandably, many wives dealing with the overwhelming reality of an affair want their husbands out of their sight immediately. They don’t want to look at him. They don’t want to hear his excuses. They just don’t want him anywhere near their personal space, so they ask him to leave. In the days after this, many […]

It’s Bad Enough That He Lied During The Affair, But He Continues To Lie After It About Little Things

Many wives who are dealing with infidelity understandably want the complete truth about every single, tiny detail of their husband’s life and thoughts. It might seem like overkill to some, but when you’ve been betrayed and fooled by a spiderweb of lies, then it can get to a point where you’ll only tolerate 100% of […]

How Do Most Men Feel When They Run Into The Other Woman They Had An Affair With?

Many wives hope that their husband will never see the other woman in the affair again.  Some go so far as to move to ensure that this happens.  Unfortunately, making a physical move isn’t always feasible.  And inevitably, if you stay in the same town, the husband will be out somewhere and will run into […]

My Husband Says The Other Woman Is Trying To Blackmail Him

Wives who are dealing with infidelity want a couple of things, just for starters.  They want a remorseful spouse.  They want to know that the other person is out of the picture and that their spouse has ended the affair firmly and permanently.  Unfortunately, even when some husbands try to do this, the other person […]

Is It Common For The Mistress To Reach Out With Contact After The Affair

I sometimes hear from wives who are afraid that, now that the affair is over, the other woman is going to try to contact the wife or the husband. Of course, the wife usually hopes that the other woman will just gracefully go away. But unfortunately, this is not always the case. Many wives want […]