I Called My Husband’s Other Woman a Dirty Name and He Defended Her

By: Katie Lersch:  I think most people understand why a faithful wife would be angry at the woman who is cheating with her husband. I also think that most people would agree that a wife in this situation has every right to lash out. And many wives do just that. In a moment when their […]

How Do I Know For Sure My Spouse is Cheating?

By: Katie Lersch: Many faithful spouses start out feeling that something is off with their spouse. He’s acting weird. They notice that he is doing things that he wouldn’t normally do and saying things that he wouldn’t normally say. So for a while, many faithful spouses watch and wait.   Eventually, they may see some text […]

My Husband Had an Affair, and Now He’s Claiming to Be Impotent

By: Katie Lersch: Sex can be one of the most awkward parts of affair recovery, and that awkwardness can happen even if things otherwise go relatively okay. But married couples trying to recover from an affair who have a bad sexual experience can feel even more pain and doubt than before. And they can start […]

Some Unexpected Effects You Might Experience When Your Spouse Cheats or Has an Affair

By: Katie Lersch: Most faithful spouses anticipate severe marital challenges after they learn their spouse has cheated or had an affair. Many understand the need to navigate trust issues and resentment toward their spouse. These effects are known to most people.   But I find that many faithful spouses are surprised at some unanticipated effects popping […]

How Do I React if My Lover’s Spouse Confronts Me About the Affair?

By: Katie Lersch: I must offer fair disclosure. Most of the time, I write my articles for the faithful spouse. That is the demographic who most often reads my articles, and those are the shoes that I myself have been in. However, sometimes when I look over the analytics for this blog, I see that […]

My Husband is in Absolute Denial About His Affair. I Can’t Forgive What He Won’t Admit

By: Katie Lersch: I think it’s safe to say that most wives dealing with infidelity fantasize about a husband who immediately admits to his infidelity, quickly understands the gravity of his actions, and swiftly and willingly begins the work of rehabilitation and recovery. However, for many wives, that scenario is truly a fantasy. It is […]

My Husband was Drinking and Had a One Night Stand with a Coworker. What Now?

By: Katie Lersch: There are many excuses that people give for being unfaithful to their spouses. Some of them are easy to dismiss out of hand. And others require at least some consideration. One example is a one-time thing that was supposedly caused by drinking. In other words, the cheating spouse’s inhibitions were down because […]

How Can We Heal When My Husband Refuses to Talk About His Affair? He Acts Like I’m Inappropriate When I Bring It Up

By: Katie Lersch: It would be nice if a cheating spouse would sit you down and tell you everything you need to know about the affair from the get-go. This would mean that you wouldn’t have to pull the information out of him and you’d know the important details early on. This quick timeline could, […]

Why Does the Affair Partner Go Back to their Spouse?

By: Katie Lersch: As you might imagine, most of the people who reach out to me to ask questions are faithful spouses. Since I write from that perspective because I too was the faithful spouse, it makes sense that people having the same experience and struggles would reach out. Occasionally, though, I do hear from […]

My Cheating Husband is Telling Everyone That Our Struggling Marriage is My Fault

By: Katie Lersch: It’s not optimal when your husband, who is already in great trouble due to his cheating, can’t seem to be discrete about the fall-out from the same. As if an affair or cheating isn’t a painful enough scenario for a wife to have to deal with, many wives have to juggle much […]