Why Do Husbands Cheat Or Have Affairs And Say Their Wife Doesn’t Understand?

By: Katie Lersch:  Both wives and women who cheat with married men wonder why unfaithful men claim that their wives do not understand them.  Common comments from the “other woman” are things like: “the man who I have been cheating with told me that his wife is cold and unfeeling.  He says that she doesn’t […]

I Find My Husband Disgusting After His Affair.

By: Katie Lersch: Many wives see their husband in a new and completely unflattering way after they find out that he cheated or had an affair.  Some adjectives I hear wives use to describe their husbands are words like creepy, disgusting, repulsive, perverted, or deviant. One might say said: “I have found out that my […]

I Want My Husband To Suffer For His Cheating, Affair, And Infidelity

By: Katie Lersch: Understandably, many wives want their husbands to “pay” or “suffer” for cheating or having an affair.  Many can focus on little else but getting revenge or on making their husbands gravely sorry for cheating.  One might say: “my husband cheated on me with a much younger woman.  I am so furious.  I […]

My Husband Is Isolating Himself From Our Family After He Cheating And Had An Affair

By: Katie Lersch: Many are worried about their husband’s behaviors after he cheated or had an affair.  They sincerely hope for a husband who is willing to do anything necessary to make things right again, but this isn’t always what happens.  Instead, many husbands will sulk, pout, or isolate themselves.  The wives often aren’t sure […]