What Are The Consequences Of Forcing A Spouse To End His Affair

By: Katie Lersch: Sometimes, people consider forcing their spouse to end his or her affair.  They often feel as if they don’t have any real choice about this but they are wondering what the consequences might be the result of forcing their spouse’s hand.  Someone might explain: “my husband has been having an affair for […]

Why Won’t My Spouse Accept My Forgiveness After The Affair?

By: Katie Lersch: Many people are so frustrated that their spouse will not accept their apology for cheating or having an affair.  It seems that no matter what they do or say, their spouse is determined to hang on to their anger and resentment. Someone might say: “last year, I made the worst mistake of […]

Will The Other Woman Get What She Deserves?

By: Katie Lersch: Many faithful wives are left wondering what will become of the other woman with whom their husband cheated or had an affair. Often, they can’t help but admit that they wish her ill will. Because it seems as if she has been able to ruin a lot of lives and get off […]

My Spouse Says She Has The Right To Act Crazy After My Affair

By: Katie Lersch: Most of the time, the people who ask me for advice are the spouses who were cheated on. Occasionally though, I hear from well-intentioned cheating spouses who are looking for help in saving their marriages or in helping their faithful spouse to heal. Sometimes though, the process is much harder than they […]

Other People Knew About My Husband’s Affair And This Infuriates Me

By: Katie Lersch:  Many wives dealing with infidelity feel as if they have been betrayed more than once because of their husband’s affair.  It is bad enough when you know that the person you love more than anyone betrayed you.  But, it can be multiplied if you know that other people (especially friends) also knew […]

Do People Ever Get Back Together (or Stay Together) After Infidelity? Why Or Why Not?

By: Katie Lersch: Understandably, many people have their doubts as to whether it’s possible to stay together (or get back together if they have broken up) after one of them cheats or is unfaithful.  I often hear from people who don’t seem to think that it’s very likely.  I suppose they have never had any […]

I Feel As If He Needs Me Now More Than Ever After He Cheated And Had An Affair. Is This Crazy?

By: Katie Lersch: Many wives who are dealing with infidelity are very conflicted.   On the one hand, they are furious that their husbands have admitted to cheating and having an affair.   But on the other hand, they feel that his cheating was motivated by his present struggles.  And this can bring out protective […]