Why Do Cheaters Think It Is No Big Deal?

I sometimes hear from people who are extremely frustrated.  Not only are they dealing with their spouse or significant other cheating on them. But they are also dealing with the cheating person acting as if their behavior is no big deal.  The cheater may be trying to downplay the behavior and will sometimes even act […]

I Constantly Compare Myself To Other Women After My Husband’s Affair

by: katie lersch: I often hear from wives who are having serious self esteem issues after their husband has an affair. Many no longer feel attractive, sexy, or self assured. Many admit that they constantly compare themselves to other women. Sometimes, this means comparing yourself to “the other woman”  (meaning that you are comparing yourself […]

I Am Married To A Cheating Husband But He Says He Loves Me

Wives who have recently caught their husband cheating are confused on many levels.  But one of the most perplexing things that they face is a husband who insists that he still loves them just the same.  This seems to be a huge contradiction.   Here is a man who cheated on and betrayed you.  If […]

Why Is My Husband Still Seeing The Other Woman When Supposedly Nothing Is Happening?

Many husbands who are caught cheating become flustered and they will agree to every condition that you require.  Yes, they promise, they will go to counseling.  Yes, they insist, they will break off the affair and cut off the other woman.  Yes, they will come right home and be accountable with their time.  And yet, […]

Does A Husband Think His Wife Is Stupid For Staying After He Cheats Or Has An Affair?

by: katie lersch: The decisions that you have to make after your husband cheats or has an affair are often grueling. And perhaps none is as quite as difficult as deciding if you’re going to stay or go.  Taking inventory of how you really feel and what you really want often is not quite as […]