Why Do Cheating Husbands Always Act Like Their Life Is Much Happier With The Other Woman?

By: Katie Lersch: Over and over again, I’ve noticed that one thing that makes healing or picking up the pieces so difficult for faithful wives dealing with infidelity is the husband’s attitude about life with the other woman. Even if there is obvious evidence otherwise, many husbands insist that life with the other woman is […]

Why Doesn’t My Husband Want To Accept That He Is Cheating?

By: Katie Lersch: There is a subset of unfaithful husbands who seem to believe that they aren’t actually cheating if they don’t ever admit to or accept it. They figure if they can keep tap-dancing around and never give their wives a firm confirmation that yes, they’ve been cheating, then they’re in the clear. Of […]

Do Men Really Feel Guilty After Having An Affair? Or Do They Just Pretend?

By: Katie Lersch:  I sometimes hear from women who are having a hard time believing that a man feels guilty for cheating or having an affair. Often, it is the wife who had her doubts. But other times, it is the other woman who eventually can’t help but notice that the husband seems to think […]

Do People Ever Regret Cheating?

By: Katie Lersch:  I often hear from husbands or wives who want to know if their spouse will ever regret cheating on them.  Many times, the cheating spouse has been able to justify their actions or is making all sorts of excuses for the same.  Many spouses who cheat don’t seem to have an ounce […]

A Letter To The Husband Who Cheated And Had An Affair: What Should It Say?

by: katie lersch: I often hear from women who are struggling to work through their husband’s cheating or affair.  Many ask me about writing a letter to put their struggles into words.  Some have even asked me for a sample letter or requested for me to write one for them.  I honestly think it’s advisable […]