Some of the Best Things to Do to Show That You’re Truly Sorry For Cheating

by: Katie Lersch: I sometimes hear from husbands who are desperately sorry for cheating on their wives and the pain that this has caused. They are also usually desperately afraid that they are going to lose their wives and their families. They are looking for advice on the most effective and meaningful things to do […]

I Cheated But Desperately Want To Work Things Out With My Spouse. How Can I Do This? What Should I Do?

By: Katie Lersch: I know a wife who had cheated on her husband for about 4 months with a coworker. The husband actually caught her cheating by looking at her cell phone. When he confronted the wife, she admitted to the cheating and she immediately realized that her actions could very well cost her the […]

What Is Life Like After a Husband’s Affair?

by: Katie Lersch: I know a wife whose husband’s affair lasted for two months. The wife had found out about it from a mutual friend. It really bothered her that the husband hadn’t come clean on his own. However, once the wife confronted her husband, he immediately expressed his sorrow and remorse. In fact, the […]

Does Infidelity Always Destroy Your Marriage?

By: Katie Lersch: Unfortunately, many folks are struggling to deal with infidelity, cheating, and affairs. Many go into this process with the belief that infidelity always destroys the marriage. I often hear things like: “Well, I guess this means the end of my marriage. I can’t believe he would do this to us. I hope […]