Can My Marriage Survive If My Husband Still Has Contact With The Woman He Cheated On Me With?

by: katie lersch:  It goes without saying that the ideal when you’re trying to save your marriage after infidelity or an affair is for the spouse who cheated to cut off all contact or ties with the other person.  It’s difficult enough to save your marriage when it’s only the two of you, but this […]

I’ll Never Forget The Look On My Husband’s Face When I Caught Him Cheating. I’m Afraid That This Means I’ll Never Truly Be Able To Heal And Move On.

By: Katie Lersch: Few moments as frozen in time as when a wife finds out that her husband has been unfaithful. For many of us, that image is embedded in our brains forever. And it’s an ugly memory – one that we’d very much like to forget. Many wives wonder if being repeatedly plagued and […]

How Can A Man Who Loves His Wife Have An Affair?

By: Katie Lersch: I often hear from wives who are really struggling with the reality that their husband has had an affair. Often, the hardest part for them is not the betrayal itself, but the circumstances that preceded the betrayal. Many of these wives are so confused because they had good marriages and loving husbands. […]

My Husband Says He Does Not Think About His Affair Anymore. How Is This Possible?

by: katie lersch: Many women who contact me confess that they often wonder just how much their husband thinks about the other woman once the affair is over.  Many husbands will downplay this or deny that he ever thinks about her.  And many of the wives have a very hard time believing this. I recently […]

For How Long After The Affair Ends Do Men Stop Thinking About It?

By: Katie Lersch: One big worry for many wives who are trying to recover from their husband’s affair is how often he spends thinking about (or longing for) the affair and the other woman. Yes, most husbands will proclaim that the affair is 100% percent over. He may even claim that he wants to move […]

How Do I Love My Husband Again After He Cheated And Had An Affair?

by: katie lersch: I often hear from wives who are having a hard time believing that they are ever going to feel the same way about their husband and their marriages again. Even though that many of these wives really do want to save their marriages, some doubt that this is going to be possible […]

How To Get Your Husband Back When He Thinks He’s In Love With His Mistress?

Sometimes, I hear from wives who very much want to save their marriage and get their husband back after his affair – but there’s a problem.  Their husband thinks or believes that he’s “in love” with the other woman or mistress so, at least at this time, he’s not receptive to saving the marriage or […]

Why Do I Keep Trying After My Husband Cheated On Me?

By: Katie Lersch: It’s very easy to get discouraged with any plan or strategy that you try after the discovery of an affair. Sometimes, you feel defeated before you even start. After all, no matter what you do, you may still have the sinking feeling that you are doing all of this work for someone […]

My Husband Wants Me To Leave Because Of His Affair. Shouldn’t He Be The One To Leave?

By: Katie Lersch: It’s not unusual to have to endure a change in living arrangements after the discovery of a marital affair – at least temporarily. Often, emotions and anger run very high, and it’s just not healthy for the couple to be in close quarters during the aftermath of discovery. Sometimes, this is a […]

What If Your Cheating Husband Never Shows Any Shame, Empathy, Or Remorse? What Does That Indicate?

By: Katie Lersch: Picking up the pieces after infidelity is difficult, no matter the circumstances. However, when you have a spouse who is showing no remorse or regret for his actions, it is arguably much more difficult to move forward. After all, there are many obstacles that couples must overcome – restoring the trust, maintaining […]