How To Keep Going When There Is Little Progress After The Affair

By: Katie Lersch: Unfortunately, many wives who are trying to move on after the affair are very frustrated with the pace of their progress. Many of them worry that recovery is taking far longer than they anticipated. They sometimes think that this means that their marriage is now doomed to fail or that they can’t […]

Why Does A Husband Move On From An Affair Sooner Than His Wife?

By: Katie Lersch: One of the top complaints from wives after a husband’s affair is an inability to move on. Even if you are typically stoic and practical, it can be normal to ruminate over a spouse’s affair for much longer than you intend to. Even worse, it can seem that the spouse who did […]

Who Has Affairs? Is There A Cheating “Type?” Are Men Or Women More Likely? Someone In A Midlife Crisis?

By: Katie Lersch: There is a stereotype of the aging man who has an affair with the golddigger younger woman. For the most part, this is who we picture when we think about marital infidelity. However, statistics tell us a very different story. It is not just men who cheat. It is not just older […]

What To Write On The Annivarsary Of Forgiving Your Spouse For Cheating When You’re Still Disappointed

By: Katie Lersch: Sometimes when you are trying to move on with life after the affair, you will remember significant days along the way. Even a couple of years later, these significant dates stick out in your mind. For example, you may remember the date that you found out about the affair, or when you […]